Birth - Kindergarten
Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:37. The goal of the Nursery is to express the value Christ places on our children – to the children, to the parents, and to the church body. Our desire is to share the gospel in such a way that children are able to feel connected to Christ personally and develop a love for God’s word. Offering children love, acceptance, and guidance will help them to develop a life-long sense of worth. By nurturing families physically and spiritually we hope to shape their outlook on the world in the context of God’s love.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday 9:15 am Service
Sunday 11:00 am Service
Kid’s Adventure Days | Weekly paid program for children to attend while allowing mom & dad some free time away.
Monday/Wednesday 8:30 am to 12:15 pm
Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 am to 12:15 pm
Wednesday Small Group Childcare
Wednesday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Child care for Small Group Meetings
Sunday Mornings
Sunday 9:15 am Service
Sunday 11:00 am Service
Kid’s Adventure Days | Weekly paid program for children to attend while allowing mom & dad some free time away.
Monday/Wednesday 8:30 am to 12:15 pm
Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 am to 12:15 pm
Wednesday Small Group Childcare
Wednesday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Child care for Small Group Meetings
Park Avenue Kids
1st-4th Grade
In Park Avenue Kids, we believe that each child is a precious gift from God, special and unique.
Our mission is to enable children to experience God’s incredible love for them, and to lead them into a personal relationship with Him, so they can grow up to be all that God created them to be.
Who says you have to sit still at church? Come join us as we explore the Bible through large group and small group times, hands-on activities, and games.
Kids’ Church (1st-4th Grade)
Recreation Building
Sundays during both 9:15 & 11:00 am Services
Kids WOW (Mid-Week Program)
Recreation Building
Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 7:45pm
Our mission is to enable children to experience God’s incredible love for them, and to lead them into a personal relationship with Him, so they can grow up to be all that God created them to be.
Who says you have to sit still at church? Come join us as we explore the Bible through large group and small group times, hands-on activities, and games.
Kids’ Church (1st-4th Grade)
Recreation Building
Sundays during both 9:15 & 11:00 am Services
Kids WOW (Mid-Week Program)
Recreation Building
Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 7:45pm
Route 56
5th-6th Grade
Route 56 is a ministry created to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to 5th and 6th grade students by extending the church’s reach into the transitional time between elementary and junior high school. Using ‘Jr. high type activities’ with 5th and 6th grade relevance, we prepare programs and events that reach out to this generation of students who continually want what’s next instead of what’s now. Come join Chris Harm, Becky Moon, and the crew and experience energy, games, and lessons that reach into the preteen student’s world.
Route 56 Church – Sundays 9:15 & 11:00am in the Rec Building
Come join us for team building fun, a relevant lesson, and free time in the gym! Activities and teams rotate weekly
Route 56 Youth Group – Wednesday 6:00pm (Doors open) Activities begin at 6:15pm and end at 7:45pm. Wednesday nights vary over the summer
Route 56 Youth Group begins with a time for relationship building and some free gym time as students arrive. Then, a short lesson about Christ’s love, that is relevant to the students is given. After that the fun kicks in!
Organized large-group games bring the students together to compete or sometimes act down-right funny! We also break up into small groups twice a month to go a little deeper and more personal. We end with open gym so students have time to talk with their friends while waiting for their parents to pick them up.
Route 56 Church – Sundays 9:15 & 11:00am in the Rec Building
Come join us for team building fun, a relevant lesson, and free time in the gym! Activities and teams rotate weekly
Route 56 Youth Group – Wednesday 6:00pm (Doors open) Activities begin at 6:15pm and end at 7:45pm. Wednesday nights vary over the summer
Route 56 Youth Group begins with a time for relationship building and some free gym time as students arrive. Then, a short lesson about Christ’s love, that is relevant to the students is given. After that the fun kicks in!
Organized large-group games bring the students together to compete or sometimes act down-right funny! We also break up into small groups twice a month to go a little deeper and more personal. We end with open gym so students have time to talk with their friends while waiting for their parents to pick them up.

We believe it is important to teach compassion and a heart to serve at Rt. 56. One way that we do that is to sponsor two children from India through Gospel for Asia ministries. Snigdhanjali & Nagaraj. The cost of this is $70 a month. To help with this, we sell snack items once a month on Wednesday nights to collect money for them.
We do extra activities every other month. Your child must have a Park Avenue Medical Release form to participate if parent is not attending. Families are welcome to join us for some of the events.
We do extra activities every other month. Your child must have a Park Avenue Medical Release form to participate if parent is not attending. Families are welcome to join us for some of the events.